Thursday 13 March 2014


Now carrying on our topic "over the land" means of transport.
We concentrated our atention on wheeled vehicles that run on a rail.
This is what and how the first year kids made.
Life around the railway
1st step.The children drawn and cutted out a train.
According to a given model the chidren of first year drawn an engine and two wagons,
paying close attention to the colour, shapes and size.
This is an example of what they've done.

2nd step.Put the engines to work on a rail.
Using the trains ,the kids made a landscape up. A train station, a traffic ligth , a train driver , some trees and so on.
Look at the many details they thought about!

You can also enjoy these videos on the topic.
Have some clues to draw your own train engine.

Let's also have fun watching the episode "The Train Ride"
Have some clues to draw your own train engine.

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